eMAM integrated with ALTO provides all the tools to organise, search, preview, collaborate, approve, restore and deliver from your archive.
Select eMAM as your media platform, integrated with ALTO archive technology, and you have the combination of media asset management, transcoding, legacy LTO library management, and modern ALTO disk archive management in a single scalable system.
The simple eMAM browser interface manages storage, processing, and archiving, offering a smart, cost-effective solution. While proxies can be viewed, edited, and shared by authorized users, the original high-resolution content is securely archived in ALTO. High-speed transcoding allows users to make numerous formats as required and deliver them to editing systems, playout servers, websites, mobile devices, and more. eMAM is available as a turnkey model on your choice of local or cloud infrastructure. Whether you are just starting out, or need a powerful, high-end system, eMAM with ALTO is an outstanding archive choice for your organization.
Easy to configure and integrate with eMAM, ALTO delivers better restore times than LTO or cloud archive, a low carbon footprint, a secure environment for your files, and a lower lifetime cost of ownership than any alternative on the market. Scale from a 50TB workgroup to a multi-petabyte enterprise archive.
Key Benefits

Simple browser interface
The eMAM UI enables nearline and archived content to be accessed from any web browser.
Easily accessible
eMAM has a powerful search engine that makes it easy to find content using embedded and customized metadata.
Original content is archived securely on ALTO, while proxies can be viewed by users or user groups with permissions.
Workflow tools
eMAM powers online collaboration, rough cuts, approvals, and much more.
“eMAM integrated with ALTO provides a simple to use archive experience for our clients”, says Dave Miller, President - eMAM “This modern approach to archiving delivers cost benefits, increases efficiency, and has outstanding green credentials. ”

eMAM Models
eMAM runs on the server, storage, and library of your choice. eMAM can be turnkey with a powerful server to transcode and deliver media as needed, internal storage to hold current jobs and cache, and the eMAM intuitive GUI loaded with powerful features. The eMAM archive management software controls online and offline ALTO disks.
ALTO Archive Scaling
Digitizing and managing your archive is a journey. You may not want to purchase the entire infrastructure or the storage media on day one. The ARX Data Fortress is designed to take you to 100 TB. When the time comes to scale things up you can transition to ALTO-III and continue from 100 TB to multiple petabytes, in manageable increments of cost and complexity.